Thursday, July 1, 2010

20 ways of Healthy Love Style

The Characteristics of Healthy Love

People in healthy relationships have the following characteristic:

1. They allow for individuality.
2. They experience both oneness with and separateness from another.

3. They bring out the best qualities in self and another.

4. They accept endings.

5. They experience openness to change and exploration.
6. They invite growth in the other person.
7. They experience true intimacy.

8. They feel the freedom to ask honestly for what is wanted.
9. They experience giving and receiving in the same way.

10. They do not attempt to change or control the other.

11. They encourage self-sufficiency of partners.
12. They accept limitations of self and other.

13. They do not seek unconditional love.

14. They accept and respect commitment.
15. They have a high self-esteem.
16. They trust the memory of the beloved; they enjoy solitude.
17. They express feelings spontaneously.
18. They welcome closeness; risk vulnerability.
19. They care with detachment.

20. They affirm equality and personal power of self and other.

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